Good News #222: Jesus Came Not to Condemn But to Seek and to Save Me! Thank You, Jesus!

There are a lot of Christians who think of God as some divine being always watching… always waiting to catch them in their sins to punish them… as if He lives for the moments where He can zap us from above.

Sadly, this kind of sick and twisted image of God has been propagated from the people who call themselves believers of His Son Jesus…

Yet Jesus Himself, who the bible says is the express image of God Himself, said in many different places in the gospels that God is not out to condemn and shame and witchhunt sinners…

Matthew 18:11 and Luke 19:10 record Jesus saying The Son of Man (referring to Himself) came to seek and save that which is lost. (FYI: We are all lost.)

And as if to make sure that we really get the point of why He came and Who sent Him, Jesus said these words in John 3:16-17 (emphasis mine):

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For GOD DID NOT SEND HIS SON INTO THE WORLD TO CONDEMN THE WORLD, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

In the gospels, one will never find Jesus condemning sinners. In fact, He welcomed them, ministered to them, preached to them the gospel of the kingdom, healed their sick, etc.

And ultimately, He died for all sinners, you and me… so we can be saved.

The gospel is this — God is not in the business of condemning and shaming sinners. He would not have sent Jesus to do what He did, if that was the case.

God’s heart has always been to seek and save all of us who are lost… all humanity.
He demonstrated this by sending His own Son to do just that — seek and save the lost.
We have a seeking and saving God!

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

Matthew 18:11

for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Luke 19:10