Day 2: By the Authority of Christ in Me, Coronavirus be Gone!

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Luke 10:19 (NIV)

Imagine a world where you have the power to overcome all the power of the enemy. As you walk through the valley of death, you are protected (Psalm 23:4). As you face the challenges of life, you’re always assured victory (Deut 20:4). As the enemy hurls every kind of weapon against you, nothing will ever prosper (Isa 54:14). And as a thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, the plague will not come near you (Psalm 91:7).

Now, don’t just imagine all of this. Receive it as your reality – for those who are born-again Christ-believers, and for those who’ve accepted Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer.

These are the benefits that Jesus purchased righteously for you on the cross. He defeated all the power of the enemy for us, so that today, you can wield this authority to overcome them all, including the coronavirus.

So the important question now is this: How do you activate this truth in your life and how do you harness the evil-trumping power of the risen Christ that is in you to fight the enemy?

The answer: Know that the authority is already yours to use, all because of Jesus Christ and His finished work. All you have to do is believe. And by faith, declare your authority to trample and overcome the enemy, including the coronavirus.

Prayer for Today:

Father, I thank you for Jesus and His finished work on the cross. By His victory, I am made victorious over all the power of the enemy. Now, by the authority given to me by the risen Christ, I am able to destroy and defeat the power of the enemy.

I face all the enemies of God – including the coronavirus, not by my own might, but by the power of the Almighty God. Embolden me, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, to wield and harness the authority You’ve given me to trample against Satan, and win over this fight. I pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Faith in Action:

1) Use your authority, speak against the power of the enemy and rebuke the coronavirus. All throughout today, and every day, declare as often as you possibly can:

By the authority of the risen Christ in me, coronavirus be gone!

2) Invite other Christ-believers to do the 21-Day Challenge. Let us build an army of well-abled and spiritually-ready soldiers in this battle. The more spiritual soldiers we have, the faster the victory manifests in the physical realm. #21daystovictory

3) Come back every day, be refreshed and motivated, in a community of like-minded Christ-believers. Share your experiences and testimonies with others, as we win this fight!