Good News #212: I Speak Victory Over My Life, I Speak Jesus Over My Life!

God has wonderful plans for this world. He created this world in perfection and with abundance but we know the story of how this world came to be in its fallen state that we are familiar with.

Things weren’t supposed to be this way.
There wasn’t supposed to be corruption in this world, no death even.
God never created man for man to die. God had always wanted man to live with Him forever.

Death only came when man fell. It was through man’s transgression that death came.

And with the fall of man, the life that God had intended for man, that which is life with God… life connected directly to God, The Source of life, ceased… man’s course took a turn from a life of life to a life with death headed for death.

Yet God, in His love for humanity… a love we can never fully comprehend… wasn’t about to just leave us in our corrupted state. God already sent His Son to work the work of redemption for us to have the option of escaping the corrupted life headed for death… eternal death… and start anew through a rebirth and live a life of eternal life…

Adam’s transgression locked humanity on one course — life headed for eternal death.

Yet through Jesus, we now have the option of life unto eternal life… but it only takes effect with our permission for it to take effect in our life. In essence, we can choose not to take it because God gave us free will and He is not one who will violate our free will.

The gospel is this — God has given us the power to influence the course of our life.
Eternal life comes when we choose to believe in Jesus and confess it by the word of our mouth.
And in the same manner, we get to choose life or death for the course of our daily life.
The choice is really ours because God will always respect our choice.
May we choose to confess Jesus and speak life all our days in this present world.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:21