Good News #200: Jesus’ Unmerited Favor in My Life is Unstoppable; I Pray for His Open Doors of Blessings to Continue Pouring!

The propensity for greatness is built into every human being. When God made each one of us and formed us in our mother’s womb, He intricately designed us for His great purposes.

God, The Great Eternal Creator, only have great purposes for His creation. He destined us for greatness in Him.

When He created everything, God never created it with a plan for man to fall and get separated from Him.
None of that was in His plan.

Yet man fell in the garden… and in essence, we lost the glory of the favor of walking with God… being with God… living in God… but the design that He designed us with, the purposes that He purposed us for… those remained intact because His gifts and calling are irrevocable (Romans 11:29)… except that they cannot be fully lived out… because they are meant to be lived out with God and in God.

In Adam’s fall, mankind became sinners… children of disobedience… children of the darkness… children of the devil…

But praise God for Jesus who, through His sacrifice, made available the gift of adoption into the family of God.

Everyone who believes in and receives Jesus becomes a child of God… eternally, perpetually reconciled and one with God through Jesus… and in this, His designs and purposes in us can now find fulfillment… and as The Great Wonderful Father that God is, He releases His favors on His children through open doors of opportunities for His designs and purposes to find their fulfillment… and shuts the doors that are meant to hurt us…

The gospel is this — God is for us in that He makes sure we have access to the resources meant to complement the great purposes in us… He opens the doors to these… we only need to trust Him and walk through them… and when we do, no force on earth or under the earth can stop His favor from enriching us.

Whatta God we have!

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write,
‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.”

Revelation 3:7