Good News #195: Because of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is Leading Me to Fulfill God’s Holy Standards and Will for My Life and Others!

None of what we do can redeem us from the consequence of Adam’s disobedience at the garden, that is, mankind’s fallen, sinful nature.

God’s laws (ten commandments…all 613 commandments in the old testament) were not given to justify mankind before God. These laws were meant to keep us from hurting each other and our own selves by our actions born out of our sinful nature.

God’s laws and holy standards can only be fulfilled by God Himself. This is why Jesus came… BECAUSE we can never redeem us from our sins.

Jesus fulfilled every stipulation of God’s laws and its holy standards down to the last jot IN BEHALF of sinful and helpless you and me… sinful and helpless humanity.

He came to be 100% Man yet still 100% God… to do for us what we can never do on our own.
He was crucified at the cross as you and me.
He died and was buried as you and me… dying the death we all deserve.

And His resurrection is proof that He has effectively dealt with humanity’s sins once and for all… making available the free gift of salvation, redemption, justification, righteousness, reconciliation towards God, etc…

Yet because God Himself had given mankind the gift of free will, He waits for humanity to accept what Jesus had done before these other gifts take effect in one’s life…

And in receiving Jesus and what He has done, He gives the Gift of The Person of The Holy Spirit to dwell in every believer so that as the believer yields to the workings of the Holy Spirit inside, the outward actions align with God’s holy standards and fulfill God’s will… thus making the believer’s life a testimony of God’s holiness and righteousness.

The gospel is this — God through Jesus fulfilled all the righteousness of the law in His one perfect sacrifice at the cross and still God through The Holy Spirit continues to fulfill all the righteousness of His holy will through our yielded hearts.

Isn’t our God wonderful?
He truly does for us what we can never do on our own.

I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.

Ezekiel 36:27