Good News #192: Because of Jesus Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross, I Am Eternally and Forever Removed From Sin!

North, east, west and south… the four cardinal directions.

Only two of these four have poles… specific coordinates… specific points… specific demarcations — the north pole and the south pole.

As such, distance measured in relation to both north and south are measurable… finite.

It is said that the total straight line flight distance from North Pole to South Pole is 12,430 miles. This is equivalent to 20,004 kilometers or 10,801 nautical miles.

North to south is measurable….

East from west, on the other hand, cannot be determined… it is infinite as the earth itself rotates from east to west…

Understanding these, we find how remarkable Psalm 103:12 really is, in that it says:

As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

This means that by the sacrifice of Jesus, God no longer sees us in our sins because the distance He put between us and our transgressions is infinite…

The gospel is this — What Jesus has effectively put away at the cross by His perfect sacrificial death has been put away eternally, infinitely, perpetually and forever… We ought to reckon ourselves indeed dead to sin… new creations where the old life is gone and the new has come.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Perfect Saviour Jesus is!

As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Psalm 103:12