Good News #186: Part of My Inheritance in Jesus Christ is Receiving His Wisdom and Peace That Surpasses All Understanding!

Heaven and hell are real. The unbelief of some on this matter does not make both places not real.

Every one born into this world is a sinner…one plagued by sin, an inheritance Adam passed on to all mankind. Adam’s one act of disobedience has cut us off from God. This means we were all born into this world a slave to sin, death and hell… a slave to the devil. This is why no matter how good of a parent one is, your kid will eventually lie. This is the reality of fallen mankind.

The realities of hell is not much of a mystery to any of us. We only need to look around to see the corruption of hell — pain, suffering, strife, diseases, death, corruption in our systems, natural disasters, etc…

This is the reality of the fallen world; a world with no hope for mankind — UNTIL Jesus came.

Jesus made a new possibility… a new reality… available for anyone who believes in Him — that is, the reality of heaven… His kingdom.

But because what we grew up in and what we have come to know as normal is the fallenness of this world, the human mind finds it difficult to conceive the realities of heaven, that is if it was left on its own… BUT Jesus came.

When Jesus walked the earth, He began to reveal the mysteries of heaven, His kingdom… and while Jesus is no longer physically on earth, His Spirit lives on in everyone who believes in Him… and through His Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to make known to us the mysteries, glories, realities, excellencies, the wonders of His kingdom.

The gospel is this — Jesus wants every believer setting their minds on things above… and He enables them to do so through His Holy Spirit indwelling every born again child of God… so that as they do, they will begin to live in the realities of heaven even while yet here on earth and reign in this present life.

Whatta God we have!


He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.”

Matthew 13:11