Good News #183: Jesus’ Grace and Forgiveness is Limitless; No Pretenses, I Only Need to Come to Him and He Will Surely Receive Me Again!

There is never such a thing as reaching perfection in this present life. even born again christians.. will stumble here and there.

Every..single..born..again..christian.. will have moments of departure from God.

It may not be an outright overt backsliding or rebellion or defiance towards God or His ways such as worshipping idols.

It could be as seemingly innocent as choosing to trust our own capacity to lead our lives or specific areas of our lives instead of letting Him lead us — this is turning away from God and turning to ourselves to replace Him with ourselves in our lives… and all of us do this in various areas of our lives time and time again — our marriages, relationships, ministries, health, businesses, careers, etc…

Yet even in the countless times we do turn away from God, whether overtly or not, He remains to be gracious and merciful… because His character is independent of ours… because His integrity and faithfulness is untainted by who we are and what we do…

And in the many times and ways we create our own messes… or defy Him in varying degrees… or act in rebellion towards Him… or turn away from Him… the moment we turn to Him, He welcomes us, never turning away from us… never casting us out… never pointing us to our failures…

The gospel is this — God is not as concerned about pointing us to our failures as much as us turning to Him when we do fail so that He can lift us up and show us how we can rise up from our falls through Him.

None of our failures will ever exhaust the limitless grace and mercy of our God.

Are you thinking you are far beyond God’s grace? You are not… noone is.
Come to Him… all He cares for is you come to Him and allow Him to embrace you with His grace and mercy.

For if you return to the Lord, your brethren and your children will be treated with compassion by those who lead them captive, so that they may come back to this land; for the Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn His face from you if you return to Him.

2 Chronicles 30:9