Good News #180: God’s Promises are Proven and Perfect; As I Believe in His Word, Miracles Happen in My Life!

No word ever spoken or written by any human being or groups of human beings, apart from what is written in the word of God (Scripture or the bible)… can boast of precision, accuracy, wisdom, integrity…

The bible stands on a class of its own. Every word in Scripture is true and has demonstrated itself to be true. The bible has a rich history of documented supporting evidence and proof of how real and everlastingly relevant the things it speaks of… from fulfillment of prophecies to miracles happening even in the modern world…

The state of Israel is one of the many proofs of bible prophecy fulfilled.

In Ezekiel 11:17, The Lord God’s words say:
“I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.”

For two thousand years, the land of Israel had been in the hands of one gentile empire after another… and the Jews have been scattered across many nations… yet God had spoken that the land of Israel will be given to them and so it happened… The Lord’s word is true and it has proven itself.

In John 14:12, Jesus said:
“Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to my Father.”

Today, there are countless miracles of healings, deliverance, miraculous provisions, etc happening all across the world… because Jesus had spoken it to be so for whoever believes in Him.

The gospel is this — God’s way is perfect and His word is proven to never fail.
And anyone who dares to believe in His word and to trust in Him will find it to be truly so.

As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the Lord is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

Psalm 18:30