Good News #179: Jesus’ Faithfulness is Forever Assured and Constant; I Completely Put My Trust in Him!

None of us can truly be faithful to God all the time every time in all matters of life… None at all… because if it were only possible for man to be fully faithful to God then there would have been no need for Jesus to come in the flesh to faithfully fulfill man’s part of the covenant.

The sacrifice of Jesus opened to all of humanity an opportunity to be in fellowship with God through Christ. We need only to believe in and receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Now because the entry into this fellowship is God’s doing then when one is in it, then this one is in fellowship with Him eternally… because what we do or do not do cannot undo what God does.

Don’t misunderstand. While God is no longer out punishing people, we are not encouraging living life faithless and reckless because there are serious consequences to this that will hurt you and other people in the process.

What we are simply pointing out is that our remaining in the fellowship of Christ is not because of any our faithfulness but God’s faithfulness.

The gospel is this — a true born again child of God will never be out of fellowship with God because it is not dependent on man’s faithfulness but on God’s immutable faithfulness to His covenant, His promises in the covenant and His word.

God’s faithfulness is our security, not our own.
Born again children of God are forever in fellowship with Him.
Whatta God we have!!!

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9