Good News #175: As I Call to Jesus, He Answers Me and Shows Me Great and Mighty Things to Live a Victorious Life!

A lot of our problems boil down to one thing — lack of wisdom.

For example:
poverty is not a lack of cash but a lack of wisdom to steward what one has or wisdom to create wealth…
broken relationships is not a lack of love but a lack of wisdom to communicate or wisdom to understand the needs of the other or wisdom to make the right decision…
poor health, in some cases, is due to a lack of wisdom to make healthy food choices or healthy habits, etc…
failed business ventures is not a lack of capital but a lack of wisdom on when to take risks and when not to… which contract to sign and which not to… which connections to sever and which not to…etc

Some would think that wisdom can only be attained by going to the best universities or taking masterclass courses or going to gurus in remote places…

Yet the wisest mortal man that ever lived named Solomon…never had access to any of these. What Solomon had was an opportunity God gave him to ask for whatever he wants… and Solomon asked for an understanding heart… wisdom…

Now, Solomon lived during the old covenant of the law… and he asked God for wisdom and God gave him wisdom… WITH a couple extras (1 Kings 3:13).

If God did these for Solomon who was under the old covenant, how will God not do so for anyone who comes to Him now under the new covenant?

In 1 Kings 3, we find Solomon offering a thousand burnt offerings prior to God appearing in a dream by night to tell him to ask for whatever he wants…

Today, we no longer need to offer a thousand burnt offerings because Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God, had already offered Himself up for us all…

We have a far superior covenant than what Solomon had…

The gospel is this — Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God, is worth immeasurably more than a thousand burnt offerings. His sacrifice had given us free access to God of Whom we can boldly ask for wisdom…

Every thing that God shows us is to benefit us… bless us… prosper us… lift us up out of dire situations and thrive… so that we can become a blessing to others, too… because that is the kind of God He is…

Why don’t you call on Him to day because He sure will answer you and show you great and mighty things!

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Jeremiah 33:3