Good News #173: I Choose Not to Fear Because Jesus Who’s In Me is Greater Than All My Enemies!

Fear enables the enemy.

Today, because of the victory that Jesus wrought over the enemy more than two thousand years ago, we have a very sure foundation not to fear because the enemy has been disempowered, disarmed and defeated.

The enemy is powerless… what he can only do is lie, deceive, bully and intimidate you into his schemes… and the way the enemy is empowered is when we receive his lies and respond in fear.

Our fear empowers the enemy…

In the gospels, we read multiple times how Jesus exhorts us to not fear… to not be afraid… to not let our hearts be troubled… This was before He went to the cross.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever…

In the same way He exhorts in the gospels so He does today… It would do us good if we heed the words of our Saviour, our Lord Jesus.

What we need to remember is that we have an advantage over everyone in the gospels, why?

Because our Lord Jesus has conquered the grave. He has died, was buried, resurrected, ascended into heaven, is now fully glorified at the right hand of The Father… and He has sent The Promise of The Father — the Person of the Holy Spirit who now dwells in everyone who believes in Jesus.

And 1 John 4:4 says of the Holy Spirit as The Greater… than the enemy who is in the world.

The gospel is this — The Spirit of the same Jesus who resurrected from the dead now lives in each of us… This is He of whom all hell fears… so why do we have to fear? when the One who lives in us is The Greatest of all…

Rest knowing that in Christ Jesus, there is nothing to fear.

For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,
And what I dreaded has happened to me.

Job 3:25