Good News #170: Jesus’ Promises are True, and He Never Breaks Them; His Words, He Will Not Change Until They’ve Come to Pass!

There are many things God had spoken to existence and given to mankind that are underappreciated.
Truth be told — all things that God has given and continues to give us… we underappreciate them.

Let’s take both of these for example:
— our free will
— our being made in the likeness of the image of God

After Adam transgressed against God and surrendered his dominion over the earth to the devil:
— If God is like humanity without integrity, God would have taken back the gift of free will especially because man did not use it to obey God in not eating from the forbidden tree… BUT God did not take it back… humanity retained free will… otherwise, everyone would have already accepted Jesus by now.

— If God is like humanity who go against our words, God would have stopped man from taking on the likeness of His image especially because we don’t fully reflect His nature… BUT God did not do so… humanity retained the likeness in the image of God… otherwise, everyone would be looking like animals or plants.

Mankind’s underappreciation of both are just two examples… the magnitude of our underappreciation of everything God has spoken to existence for us to benefit from…goes beyond these two.

But praise God for the integrity of His character and His word.
He will never go against His nature…
He will never go against His word…
He will never violate His covenantal promises…

The covenant spoken of in Psalm 89:34 refers to God’s covenant with David…

As faithful as God is to this covenant, so will He be to the new covenant cut by the blood of His Son Jesus Himself… He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The gospel is this — What God has spoken, has promised and has decreed through the new covenant cut by the blood of Jesus…they will remain and He will continue to uphold them…

This means your salvation, righteousness, justification, adoption into God’s family BY the blood and death of Jesus…are forever in effect.

As God had iterated in Hebrews what He has spoken through Jeremiah which is “their sins I will remember no more” so it will be that way…forever…

Whatta God we have!!!
His integrity is our security.

My covenant I will not break,
Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.

Psalm 89:34