Good News #163: Jesus is My Only Way to the Father and I Have Direct Access to the Father Because of Him!

Jesus is The Word made flesh. Every word spoken by Jesus is divine and perfect. He does not say anything carelessly. This same attribute is shared by The Holy Spirit, The Divine Author of the bible. He does not write anything carelessly and He faithfully records Scripture.

Notice that Jesus did NOT say He is “A” way, “A” truth and “A” life…because the article “A” denotes that there are others and He is just one of many…

Jesus specifically said He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life because there is no other.

When Adam sinned, he ultimately severed the entire human race from God. This severance left a longing in the human heart as ancient as the earth… a longing that can only be fully satiated in being united back with God…

Humanity can try to fill this longing with people, things, accomplishments but none of these will satisfy… only God can because in Him is the fullness of everything our hearts long for… even things we know nothing about.

Yet because man is man and God is God, it is impossible for man to get to God on his own… but praise God for Jesus who being 100% God came to also be 100% Man… Jesus became The God-Man… bridging the gap that man created for himself between God.

Jesus gave Himself to humanity so that in Him and through Him, we now have THE Way to get to God… THE Only Way to get to God The Father.

Isn’t this wonderful? Jesus made Himself THE ONLY WAY… Noone comes to The Father except through Him.

Yknow often times, when we, human beings, are presented with options, we get ourselves in a bind out of confusion and get paralyzed from indecision… Jesus, made it easy for us to decide… He presented Himself to be THE ONLY WAY so that it won’t be hard for us to decide.

The gospel is this — There is an ancient longing in our hearts which can only be satisfied in The Father… on our own, we can’t get to Him… but Jesus made it possible through Him… and not only that, Jesus made it unmistakably crystal clear and easy to know how to get to The Father….

Isn’t His yoke easy and His burden light?

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

John 14:6