Good News #162: As I Increase My Knowledge About Jesus, I Am Equipped to Avoid Destruction, Bondage, Hunger and Thirst!

Our world was originally created in and with perfection. There was nothing that destroys. There was abundance of provision. The presence of God was manifest tangibly.

This is a hard concept for any of us to grasp because we were born into this world in its already corrupted condition. The fallenness of this world is all we know. The abnormality of the created world became our normal…the reality we are used to.

It isn’t supposed to be this way BUT man transgressed against God and all of creation became corrupted when man got corrupted by death.

Yknow, God could have left all of us on our own in this state yet He did not… Immediately after Adam fell, God got to work on man’s redemption…

In the work of creation, we see that how God works is by speaking His word…

He works the same way in the work of redemption… but because God gave dominion over this earth to man, God had to work through man… God had to speak His word through man…

We read God’s words given and spoken through the prophets of old… setting the stage for the coming of His Son as The Man (in sinless flesh) who would ultimately finish His work of redemption at the cross and declare “It is finished!” — thus creating a way for humanity to live above the fallen reality of this world marked by corruption, destruction, lack, hunger, disease, etc…

The knowledge of the truth of our Lord Jesus and what He has done saves us from the corruption in this world and sets us above it… so we can thrive in this world.

1 Timothy 2:4 says God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The knowledge of the truth comes to its fullness in wisdom though Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 1:30 says that Christ Jesus became for us wisdom from God.

The gospel is this — As we grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus and what He has done, we become less and less susceptible to the natural course of this fallen world marked by destruction, bondages, hunger, thirst, etc…

In the knowledge of Christ Jesus, we can rise above it… not only surviving but actually thriving.
Jesus is our only Hope.
Jesus is the gospel.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Hosea 4:6a

Therefore my people have gone into captivity,
Because they have no knowledge;
Their honorable men are famished,
And their multitude dried up with thirst.

Isaiah 5:13