Good News #160: God Never Tempts Anyone; Instead, He Delivers His Children From Times of Testing by the Enemy!

God knows the human propensity to sin. Every single human being born into this world is born a sinner — a slave to sin — an identity we inherited from Adam… in other words, we really do not have the liberty not to sin because we are born slaves to it.

And God is not blind to this truth. This is exactly the reason why He sent Jesus… to liberate us from the clutches of sin because we can never do so.

Sin is falling short of the glory of God… it is missing the mark, where the mark is the excellence of the glory of God.

God knows exactly what we are capable of doing and what we will do given the circumstance — we would sin…we would miss the mark…

Thus the need for Jesus to come and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

And because Jesus has already come to, once and for all, deal with the issue of sin, which has caused man’s separation from God, there is absolutely no reason for God to test us whether we would sin or not… He already knows we will and thus the cross of Jesus…

Listen, our trials and testings are predominantly our own doing and in some cases, someone else’s and we are dragged into it… or attacks from the enemy…

James 1:14 puts it this way…
But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

Far be it from any of us to ever think God puts us in situations to see whether we will sin or not…

The gospel is this — God draws us away and counsels us to keep away from circumstances that stir up our flesh to sin…yet because He will never violate our free will, when we do sin, He will help us out of our messes… because that’s just Who He is…

Whatta wonderful, wonderful God we have!!!

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.

James 1:13