Good News #156: Because Jesus Has Redeemed Me, I Fear Not For I Am His and He Has Called Me by My Name!

A lot of our fears can be traced back to a primordial fear deeply rooted at the core of human nature; born from the knowledge that we have been cut off from God — that is, that we are on our own.

From this, we fear the future… what comes next… the uncertainty…
This then creates other fears… of lack of provision… of deterioration of health… of safety… and of many others.

This inner knowing of being separated from God in every human being has led many of us to look for love in the wrong places; experimentally filling the vacuum created from our separation from God with people or things…

Yet — this vacuum can only be filled with God Himself…and God knows this… so He sent His Son Jesus to do what was necessary to be done to bridge the chasm… to bring us back to God… and ultimately graft us back into Him…

1 John 4:16 says God is love…
In 1 John 4:18, it says There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear…

When you know the character of God, you know you can rest easy in Him…
When you know God for who He is, you know only good comes from Him…
When you know you belong to God, you know there is nothing to fear…

The gospel is this — when you believe in and receive Jesus, you immediately get into a covenant with God that can never be cut off… because the covenant is cut by the eternal blood of God Himself… This means you belong to Him forever… and what He has is all yours including His love and affection… and He has everything…

He says, “You are Mine.”
He is the True and Faithful One.
He will take care of you all the days of your life.

Isn’t the invitation to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour wonderful?
In it you receive redemption, identity and eternal belongingness…

But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine.

Isaiah 43:1