Good News #155: I Was Lost Before, and Jesus Found Me; Because of His Great Love, He Searches and Seeks Out His Lost Children!

We are not knocking off the expression “I found Jesus” that we, born again believers, use when asked for the reason for an obvious positive change in us… While our words may seem to convey us seeking Him, we know it’s the other way around…

Because truth be told — Jesus was never lost.

You and I were once lost.
Humanity is lost.

Adam’s sin created a separation between God and man…

But thank God for sending Jesus, who willingly forsook heaven for a time to step into the world of lost humanity… to seek and save the lost — all of us…. and reconcile us to The Father.

Jesus came as The Good Shepherd pursuing the lost sheep… humanity who lost the image of God when Adam sinned…

The gospel is this — Long before any of us even formed a concept about God, we were in God’s thoughts.
Long before His redemption plan was fulfilled in Christ Jesus, God determined in Himself to seek us and bring us back to Him.

Isn’t our God amazing?
He came to seek all the lost!
And here we are who believe in Him — no longer lost but found nowhere else but in Christ Jesus.

‘For thus says the Lord God: “Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.

Ezekiel 34:11