Good News #151: I Believe That My Sins are Forgiven Because of Jesus, Therefore I Am Forever Grateful to God!

There are factions in Christianity that seem to withhold from people the powerful truth of the full assurance of their complete forgiveness through Christ Jesus and eternal salvation in Him.

Look, Jesus did not die on the cross for partial forgiveness of sins…
Jesus did not die on the cross for just the sins before one is born again…

Every. single. sin of all mankind from Adam to the last person to be born until Jesus comes back… all of humanity’s sins were placed on Jesus… and dealt with once and for all at the cross… there is no such thing as only the sins before being born again are forgiven…

All our sins… past, present and future… were placed upon Jesus… He bore it all… That’s bible truth!
Not one iota of sin was left unpunished… All sins were punished and dealt with on the body of our Lord Jesus…

In Jesus, You receive complete forgiveness for all the sins of your entire lifetime. Amen.

Colossians 2:13 puts it this way:
And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,

As such, when you believe in and receive Jesus, you also receive eternal salvation… and there is no such thing as losing your salvation in Christ… listen, if noone can undo what Adam did to make all of us a sinner from birth, all the more noone can undo the work of Jesus in making one born again with a new life… a saved and redeemed life at that… besides, His blood is eternal which only means that what it does is eternal, permanent and perpetual.

The gospel is this — There is forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus… complete and eternal forgiveness… and He believes that you and I… and all people need to know it so we learn to rightly fear Him.

Isn’t the wisdom of God beyond human comprehension?
His ways are truly higher than ours.
Whatta God we have!

But there is forgiveness with You,
That You may be feared.

Psalm 130:4