Good News #143: What a Blessing Knowing That I Have the Mind of Christ Instructing Me in Life!

A lot of our issues in life stem from our lack of wisdom… our lack of a better perspective… our lack of discernment…
This is because we are all limited. Our perception of the world and of life is limited to our physical senses… and our senses only perceive that which is in the near proximity.

If we are in one room, we won’t even know what’s happening in the next room… we won’t know what’s happening around the block… on top of this, we are bound by time, we don’t even know what will happen in the very next second…

We are all limited.

Even more, whether we admit it or not, the physical visible world we navigate in is in an overlap with the spiritual realm. The spiritual is as real and active as the physical… and often, if not all the time, things happen in the spiritual first before it manifests in the physical…

If the things happening in the physical world escape us, much more the spiritual.

This is one area where the glory of the Holy Spirit dwelling in every born again believer is made manifest.

When Jesus had been fully glorified, He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in everyone who believes in Him… The very Spirit of God who is not bound by time or space… The Spirit of God who sees all, hears all, knows all… And with His perfect knowingness, awareness and consciousness of everything, God makes available to us wisdom to act, perspective to decide with, discernment to speak with…

The gospel is this — The moment you believe in and receive Jesus, your old spirit dies and you are given a brand new spirit — one that is identical to that of Jesus and one that the Holy Spirit dwells with in the inside of you… even more, Jesus grafts you into Himself and His wisdom He makes available to you through The Holy Spirit…

If God did not withhold Jesus from us, much more will He not withhold His wisdom so that we, His children, can thrive in this present life.

Whatta God we have!

For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:16