Good News #140: Because of Jesus, My Good Deeds are Rewarded and All My Failures are Forgiven!

One of the many wonderful things that Jesus did when He came in the flesh and physically walked the earth was to reveal God as Father.

The old testament reveals many wonderful names of God — among them:
Elohim (The Creator God)
Elyon (God Most High)
El Shaddai (God Almighty)
Yahweh Nissi (The Lord our banner)
Yahweh Rapha (The Lord who heals)
Yahweh Tsidkenu (The Lord our righteousness)
Yahweh Tzva’ot (The Lord of hosts)

But the name Father was the name Jesus came to reveal…

See, only The Son can reveal the name Father… servants cannot…

No matter how great and mighty the great men and women in the old testament were… they were but servants of The Most High… None of them was The Son Himself…

Only The Son can reveal the heart of The Father… servants cannot…

And if you read the old testament (forgetting that Jesus already came to reveal The Father and The Father’s heart of God), you will end up thinking that God is only watching both in the open and in the secret waiting for us to sin so He can punish us…

But this isn’t the heart of God…

Jesus, The Son, reveals that God watches in the secret to catch every good deed we do so that He has every excuse to reward us openly.

The gospel is this — Because IN OUR BEHALF, Jesus was put to open shame, utter humiliation in nakedness, mutilated beyond recognition and raised up on a cross on a hill for everyone to see… God The Father will never expose you for your sins nor humiliate you nor put you to shame… rather, He will discipline you in private because you are His child… but when He sees you doing a good thing in secret, He will reward you openly just like any proud Father would…

Jesus stood in our place of shame and humiliation so that today we can stand in His place of rewards.
Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!
Whatta Father we have in our God who planned this perfect redemption plan through His Son!

But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.

Matthew 6:3-4