Good News #138: With Jesus on My Side, I Am Tearing Down Strongholds and Defeating All My Enemies!

Ever noticed that as we keep on keeping on with our Lord Jesus… following His lead… walking with and in Him… we sometimes experience a general sense of malaise — whether in the body or with other people — with absolutely no logical reason for it? … in the natural, that is…

Well, that sense of malaise is nothing more than the defense of the enemy… not an attack…

You see, Jesus said that against His church, the GATES of Hades shall not prevail…

No army ever attacks with gates…
you can be sure that Satan does not go around saying “let’s attack the church so take up your gates and let’s go!”…

So when Jesus said “…I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”, He can only mean one thing — that His church is on the offense and actively attacking the enemy…

So, imagine the church battering and ramming against the gates of hell’s strongholds…
(of course, some darts will be shot from the enemy’s camp)…
but imagine the church tearing down hell’s fortifications…
and imagine the church breaking through hell’s defensive walls…
because that’s exactly what the church built on Jesus does…

Jesus is The Rock…The Commander of the hosts of heaven… The Lord God of the hosts… Yahweh Elohei-Tzva’ot…
And as Jesus is done with the enemy and finishes them off because Jesus never fails… be assured, that that general air of malaise will fall away…

The gospel is this — as a child of God, there is no reason to live with a loser and victim mentality.
In Christ Jesus, you are on the winning side.

Jesus never fails.
Jesus prevails.
Whatta God we have!

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18