Good News #135: Only Because of Jesus, His Blood and Finished Work, Can Make Saints of Sinners!

Religion has this trademark — it takes bible characters (other than The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit), venerates them (borderline deifying them… just short of calling them gods or goddesses)… teaching people to pray to them instead of directly praying to the Triune God… they label it an act of humility… because of unworthiness to talk directly to God…

It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE that no one is worthy (Only Jesus is)… Jesus Himself said no one comes to The Father except THROUGH HIM [John 14:6]… but Jesus made it possible for us to speak directly to God because The Father and The Son are One. [John 10:30]… The dead saints are as unworthy as you and I are…even if they are alive in heaven right now, they are still, in natural sense, dead…

But, religion has over glorified these saints. Yes, they are saints but they are physically dead saints and the bible teaches not to speak to the dead (whether prophet, disciple, apostle, etc.). They were human just like you and me – born of tainted blood. ONLY Jesus was born sinless with eternal blood

The Bible actually clarifies the confusion over who “saints” are in the opening remarks of the epistles:

Romans 1:7 — to all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called SAINTS
1 Corinthians 1:2 — to the assembly of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called SAINTS
Ephesians 1:1 — to the SAINTS who are in Ephesus
Philippians 1:1 — to all the SAINTS in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi
Colossians 1:2 — to the SAINTS in Colossae

These epistles were NOT written to the dead and sent to cemeteries… they were written to believers of Jesus still alive in their mortal bodies… NOT to physically dead believers, disciples or apostles…

The gospel is this — The blood of Jesus and His finished work makes saints out of wretched sinners… sainthood has nothing to do with what we do but what Jesus has done and how His blood washed us.
Sainthood is not earned… it is the result of the sanctifying blood of Jesus.

It may feel pretentious to call ourselves one
but how we feel does not negate what the blood of Jesus does and did.

What the word of God says you are, you are!
All because of what Jesus did.

To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours…

1 Corinthians 1:2