Good News #124: My Lord is a Covenant-Keeping God, His Promises Are as True as His Faithfulness!

A covenant is different from a contract, in that it is more binding than a contract.

A breach in contract results in breaking off of ties or payments in sums of monies…
a breach in covenant demands the death of the one who breached it.

Sin is a breach of the covenant with God…
and… the wages of sin is death [Romans 6:23]…

Thus the need for animal sacrifices in the old covenant because man cannot help but sin (we are all born sinners so we sin)…
and it was either sinners’ death or an animal’s death in behalf of sinners…
and God isn’t interested in human sacrifices…
yet the death of animals do not fully meet the requirement of the law of covenants…
man must die for man’s sin…

So God sent His Son to come in human form…The Perfect Man at the same time Perfect God…
Jesus came as The Last Adam [1 Corinthians 15:45]… to die for the sins of the first man Adam and everyone who came after him…
Jesus completely fulfilled The Law by dying the death we all deserve…
Jesus died as The Perfect Lamb of God…making full perpetual atonement for sins available to everyone who believes in Him.

Deuteronomy 4:31 was spoken by Moses to the children of Israel in reference to God’s faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…

These three patriarchs are long dead at this time…yet God was fulfilling His covenant promises to the three at this time in the children of Israel walking into the Promised Land…

The gospel is this — if God is faithful to His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and continues to bless the nation of Israel because of the covenant… He will be faithful to the covenant He has with us IN and THROUGH our Lord Jesus Christ…

After all, the new covenant (a covenant of His grace) is cut by the Most Precious Blood of God’s own dear Son Jesus….and NOT the blood of animal sacrifices.

Whatta truly wonderful God!
His covenant with us through Jesus endures forever.
He will never forget it.

(for the Lord your God is a merciful God), He will not forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.

Deuteronomy 4:31

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