Good News #120: God Makes My Crooked Places Straight, and His Light Casts Away All the Darkness in My Life!

Some of us, Christians, when we hit a wall in life or find ourselves in a ditch in life or experience the downs in life, we immediately think it is God punishing us for something we have done (or have not done) or God just making life difficult for us to see if we can pass the “consistency” test of being faithful and obedient to Him.

Listen, no one…not one can ever be consistent in being faithful, obedient, etc.
All the great men and women in the old testament have proven this — no one can.
Jesus was the Only One Man who succeeded in doing so…

This is why Jesus came.

Jesus came because none of us (on our own) can succeed ever. He came to fulfill The Law and The Prophets of the old covenant so that He can introduce a new covenant… one cut by His own blood… a covenant founded on His grace… whereby in Him fulfilling all the rigid requirements of the Old Covenant of The Law, it became possible for the grace of God to flow unhindered to everyone who believes in Him…


The blessings and promises in the word of God are not for the entire world…
All the blessings and promises in the word of God freely flow into those who believe in Christ Jesus because He paid the price for it to be so.

The gospel is this — Because Jesus fulfilled The Law and The Prophets (and He said so in Matthew 5:17), the promises in the writings of the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 42:16 are yours to experience by believing in Christ Jesus and what He has done…

God is not out to test you (Jesus already passed the test in your behalf)…
And God is certainly not out to make life difficult for you…

He overwhelms the darkness in your life with His light…
He makes crooked places straight and smooth…

Jesus truly meant it when He said His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Whatta God we have!

I will bring the blind by a way they did not know;
I will lead them in paths they have not known.
I will make darkness light before them,
And crooked places straight.
These things I will do for them,
And not forsake them.

Isaiah 42:16