Good News #110: God Loves to Fulfill His Word and Promises Over My Life – It’s as Good as Done!

The old covenant of the law was predicated on man’s doing or lack thereof… man’s obedience or man’s disobedience. In this system, obedience results in blessings and disobedience results in curses.

This isn’t the case in the new covenant.

The new covenant is predicated on the obedience of Christ Jesus. The only part we have is to believe it, confess it and receive. Much like how we received salvation and became born again, whereby we didn’t do anything apart from believing in Jesus, confessing Him as Lord and Saviour and receiving forgiveness of sins and salvation… everything else in the new covenant works in the same principle.

The new covenant came into effect when Jesus laid His life and paid for all our disobediences with His death. He literally became a curse so that we can enjoy the blessings and promises as a fruit of His perfect obedience.

Galatians 3:13-14 says…
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit THROUGH FAITH.

Jesus fulfilled all obediences demanded by the old covenant of the law and gave us, who believe in Him, an eternal inheritance of the blessings and promises as a result of His obedience.

Romans 1:16 clearly says that the gospel of Christ is the power of God to SALVATION for everyone who BELIEVES…

Salvation, in this verse, does not only point to being saved from hell. It also points to being saved from the oppression of death and the devil — which are sicknesses, diseases, poverty, failed relationships, etc.

The gospel is this — when a believer in Jesus takes His word, believes in it and receives it, the Lord sees it and He will perform the word according to the belief (faith) of that believer.

When Jesus cried “It is finished!”, He meant it. It truly is finished.
Our part is to receive the fruits of His finished work.

Whatta Saviour, Redeemer, Good Good Great Shepherd Jesus is!
His yoke is easy and His burden is light indeed!

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”

Jeremiah 1:12