Good News #108: The Gift of Salvation Through Jesus Christ Cannot Be Reversed; It is For the Undeserving!

True born again believers in Christ Jesus understand that no amount of good works, prayers, going to and serving in church, fasting, etc… can make them saved, righteous, justified, sanctified, redeemed and enter heaven.

They understand that all these, which can be summarized as the gift of salvation and righteousness, can only come from believing in Jesus and receiving His finished, complete, perfect atoning and redemptive work at the cross.

True born again believers in Christ understand they cannot undo the impartation of the sinner identity in the human blood because of Adam’s sin.

Humanity cannot undo what Adam (a created being) did.

Yet there are Christians today who have this idea that after they believe in Jesus, The Son of God, and receive what He did at the cross, one sin can get them unsaved, unrighteous, unjustified, unsanctified, unredeemed and lose their entry to heaven.

This is error — it’s a disgusting lie from the pit of hell.

How can we not undo what Adam (a created being) did and yet we can undo what Jesus (The Creator) did?!

The bible is very clear — The work that God works is irreversible.

At the cross, when Jesus said “It is finished!” before He yielded His Spirit, He meant it is finished… done… completed.

The work of redemption had been accomplished and finished by Jesus at the cross.
It only needs to be believed in and received in His name.

The gospel is this — The moment you believe in Jesus and what He did, everything that His sacrifice entails take full effect in your life immediately…and because it is a work done by the Eternal Son of God through His Eternal blood, this work is eternal, perpetual, everlasting and knows no end.

Salvation and righteousness in Christ Jesus is irreversible.

Whatta Savior and Redeemer Jesus is!
His work in your life cannot be undone.
Jesus is the gospel!

Indeed before the day was, I am He;
And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand; I work, and who will reverse it?

Isaiah 43:13