Good News #106: I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by My God Who Loves Me So Much!

An ancient longing and yearning of the human heart is to be known and loved.

We were created to be loved by The Creator Himself but because of Adam’s sin, humanity has been totally cut off from God.

This separation left a void in the human heart. Many have tried to fill this void with other people and yet because we are all limited in our nature, all of us will never fully fill this void in others and even in ourselves.

We all need God who alone can fill this void to overflowing without hurting us.
God knows us from our mother’s womb.

Long before your parents saw you…
Long before your family saw you…
Long before your friends saw you…
God saw you…

In fact, He formed you and He loved you…every part of you…
And as you grew up, He continued to love on you…despite you not knowing He existed. He watched over you.
As you go on with life, He sees all your imperfections, failures, tears… heard the bitter words you said that no one has ever heard… and even with all that, He continues to love you and wait on you to finally believe in His Son and be fully reconciled back to Him.

The gospel is this — God made you. He fearfully and wonderfully made you. He carefully shaped you.
You are not just a face in a crowd. He loves you.

In Matthew 10, Jesus Himself said that The Father numbers the very hairs of your head.

Whatta God we have!
We are known and loved by Him!

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139:14