Good News #102: Through Jesus Christ, I Receive the Abundance of Grace and the Gift of Righteousness to Reign in Life!

Regardless of religion, race, gender, age, etc, people have this in common (in varying degrees) — we all pursue happiness, health, success, prosperity, peace, healthy relationships, etc. Some may be more zealous over specific things than others. Some may also be more zealous in this pursuit than others…but the fact remains, this pursuit (in various shape and form) sits in the heart of every human being.

These things can be encapsulated in one phrase — reigning in life.

What does reigning in life look like? It looks like this…

  • happiness reigning over sadness
  • health reigning over sickness
  • success reigning over failures
  • prosperity reigning over poverty
  • peace reigning over fear and anxiety
  • healthy relationships reigning over failed marriages and estrangement of loved ones
    and much more…

In the pursuit of these, the world offers a laundry list of things to do. Hundreds of thousands of motivational books offer a variety of tips, guides and approaches in achieving any of these.

But Scripture, which had been around for centuries…even over a millenium…had never changed its counsel on the matter — it had always been to “receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness from our Lord Jesus Christ”.

This grace (undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor from God) and righteousness are not something any of us can work for to earn them. Scripture is clear on this — these are undeserved and these are gifts. Gifts are meant to be received.

Noone pays for a gift except the one who is giving it…and the Lord Jesus has paid for grace (abundance of it) and righteousness (being a gift) with the highest price there is — His Eternal Blood…The Blood of The Eternal God Himself.

The state of being able to reign in life happens when we learn to be humble and simply receive…not try to pay for it with our limited efforts.

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus has made “reigning in life” possible and available to all who learns to believe in Him and receive from Him. The best part is — it has been fully paid for by the shedding of His blood and His death.

Whattan exceedingly gracious God we have!
Whatta gospel we have in Christ!

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

Romans 5:17