Good News #100: Because of Jesus, My Sins and Lawless Deeds God Remembers No More!

Jesus bore all sins and paid the death penalty for it all on the cross EXCEPT the sin of refusing to believe and receive Him. This is the unpardonable sin in Matthew 12 and Mark 3.

The Holy Spirit comes not to point to Himself but to Jesus…to declare Jesus…as The Way, The Truth and The Life…The Bread of Life…The Resurrection and The Life…and more.

The refusal to listen to the Holy Spirit that Jesus is Who He says He is has no pardon.
Jesus is The Only Way out of the life bound for hell (the destiny mankind is born with (because of Adam’s sin).

The rejection of Jesus is also the sin Hebrews 10:26 refers to as sinning willfully. It says…
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of The Truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

This is telling the Hebrews here that the animal sacrifices they know (in the old covenant) no longer does anything because the Perfect Lamb of God has already come in the flesh and made The Ultimate sacrifice of Himself to usher in a new covenant.

They were given THE KNOWLEDGE of The Truth but refuse to receive THE TRUTH HIMSELF (Jesus).
There is no sacrifice to atone for this.

The OLD covenant says in Exodus 20:5 and Numbers 14:18 that the father’s iniquities will be visited upon the children to the third and fourth generations.

BUT Praise God for Jesus… to us who believe and receive Him,

The NEW covenant says in Hebrews 8:12 and 10:17 that our sins and lawless deeds God will remember no more.

Salvation is personal.
Everyone will be held accountable for acceptance of Jesus or rejection of Jesus.

The first allows one to pass from death to life….to escape death.
The latter just lets one continue on with the destiny to hell.

In believing and receiving Jesus is forgiveness of all sins… including the unpardonable sin or willful sin.

And in this forgiveness of sins is redemption from the curse/s of the law.

Galatians 3:13 says…
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us…

The gospel is this — once you receive Jesus, you are redeemed from all curses in the law…INCLUDING generational curse/s.

Whatta Saviour and Redeemer Jesus is!