Good News #95: As Jesus’ Beloved Sheep, He Loves to Take Care of Me and Provide For All My Needs!

When you see a malnourished kid unable to walk a couple of meters without tripping over…

Do you go and start telling him that he is not walking correctly?
Do you go and start telling him that he should do better at walking?
Do you go and start telling him how disappointing he is for being unable to walk correctly?
Do you go and start comparing him to others who cover a few meters before they trip up?

Of course, you won’t…

Because it is obvious that the reason why the poor kid is unable to walk far without falling over is because he is underfed and malnourished…he simply does not have the strength to be able to go far.

Common sense will tell you he needs to be fed, given a drink and be checked by a physican, if necessary…

This is true in the spiritual walk.

Christians stumble easily and often because of spiritual malnutrition.

Yet instead of being fed, given a drink or being checked on, religion would beat them, shame them, compare them with others, etc…

It won’t be long before the weight of the burden of religion would push these sincere ones to finally give up and stop going to church. When they do, religion would label them rebellious, useless, unholy, unworthy people.

In the gospels, we don’t find Jesus calling the religious… the well schooled and educated in the law (Ten commandments and all its fine prints). He did not call the teachers of the law (Pharisees, Sadducees and the Scribes). He called society’s outcast because His covenant of grace is not about demanding from people but supplying people.

In John 21, as the Resurrected Jesus was restoring Peter to ministry, Jesus iterated the job of feeding young ones and tending and feeding the mature ones of His flock…with what exactly?… with everything about Jesus (THE BREAD OF LIFE), His obedience and what His finished work had made available to all.

The gospel is this — Jesus gave Himself to be served to all…as we each behold Jesus and point others to Him, we strengthen each other in Him and as a result, while we still stumble here and there, it will be less stumbling.

Whatta God we have in Jesus!
He gave us Himself to feed on and get nourished so we can walk and live.

Simon, son of Jonah, “Feed My lambs.” “Tend My sheep.” “Feed My sheep.”

John 21: 15-17