Good News #90: God’s Presence Leads Me Like a Pillar of Cloud by Day and Protects Me Like a Pillar of Fire by Night!

When the children of Israel wandered in the desert wilderness, God was with them day and night.

It is common knowledge that the sun can be unforgiving to the human condition…it can especially become fatal when in the desert without a covering.
It is also common knowledge that desert temperatures drop at night to freezing conditions…this too can be fatal to the human body.

Yet the children of Israel were protected from these extreme conditions by the Presence of God in their midst.

In the heat of the day, God became a pillar of cloud that covered them and kept them cool.
In the freezing cold of the night, God became a pillar of fire that gave them light and kept them warm.

God’s Presence became contrary to the natural conditions to protect His people and keep them safe.

This attribute of God was demonstrated in Jesus…

For example:
In the chaos of a storm, Jesus stood as The Prince of Peace who stilled the storm.
In the midst of diseases and sicknesses, Jesus moved as Yahweh Rapha, The Lord Who Heals.
In the midst of lack, Jesus moved as Yahweh Yireh, The Lord Who Provides, and proceeded to multiply bread and fishes.
In the midst of death, Jesus moved as “The Resurrection and The Life”

This is the gospel — When natural circumstances are against us, our Lord God’s Presence responds contrary to it to keep us protected, blessed, prospered, whole and thriving.

Whatta God we have!
Truly He is all we ever need!

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.

Exodus 13:21