Good News #86: Jesus Christ Loves and Cares to Provide and Serve All My Needs!

If we want to know what our Lord Jesus is concerned with (after having died, was buried and had risen from the dead), we can turn to the last chapters in the four gospels and read about them.

Nowhere will you find Jesus magnifying the filth, sins, iniquities, transgressions of humanity and shaming mankind.

What you will find instead are these:
⁃ Jesus talking about His victory…Him having all authority…Him making available forgiveness of sins for all who believes in Him.
⁃ Jesus opening Scriptures [old testament because none of the new had been written at this point] and showing how it points to Him and His finished work…
⁃ Jesus breaking bread with His disciples
⁃ and many more…that has nothing to do with shaming and guilt-tripping people for their lack.

In John 21, we find such a beautiful picture of how loving our Saviour is.

In this chapter, we read that the disciples were coming back to shore after a night’s work without any catch. Then Jesus shows up, tells them where to cast their net and gave them a huge catch that they had to drag the net to shore.

And as if that is not enough…

Jesus, The King of kings, The Lord of lords…He who made the entire universe…did something so normal and homely…

Jesus started a fire of coals for His disciples to get warm after a cold night out at sea.
Jesus made a hot meal — a breakfast of fish and bread.

Look, Jesus is not just concerned about the grandiose things of your life. Every bit of your well-being is important to Him.

The gospel is this — Jesus wants to serve you, fill you and pour out to you so you do not run empty.
Nothing is too small for the Saviour to do as long as He can provide you whatever you need even if you didn’t know you needed it.

If it means setting a fire of coals, laying fish and bread on it for a hot meal for you, He will do it just as He did it for His disciples then.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta loving Saviour we have in Jesus!

Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.

John 21:9