Good News #85: Jesus Christ is the Gospel: He is My Salvation, Redemption and Justification!

A lot of Christians grow in the knowledge of them, their lack, their disobedience, their filth, them, them, them…

INSTEAD of Jesus being the Christ…
…The One who came and gave His life for them…
…The One who loves them more than they want to be loved…
…The One who came to give them eternal life and life more abundant…
…The One who defeated hell and won over death…
…The One by whose stripes, they have been healed…
…The One by whose blood, they have been washed, cleansed and sanctified…
…The One by whose death, burial and resurrection, they have been justified and made eternally righteous in the eyes of God…
and much more…

This is why a lot of Christians struggle to get out of the rut they are in because they are always taught and preached about themselves.

See, our personal salvation was set into motion when we first heard ABOUT Jesus. We may not have received Him there and then but our hearing ABOUT Jesus jumpstarted the process of our receiving salvation by believing in Jesus and receiving Him.

The same principle applies to all other areas in life. The more we hear about Jesus pertaining to an area in life where we are still in bondage, the closer we get to our deliverance from it.

It is in the hearing ABOUT Jesus, who He is, what He did, what He offers, etc that people are saved, healed, set free, prospered, transformed, etc…

2 Corinthians 3:18 puts it this way…
But WE ALL, with unveiled face, BEHOLDING as in a mirror THE GLORY OF THE LORD, are BEING TRANSFORMED into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The bible is clear — teaching and preaching should not cease to be about Jesus as the Christ.

The gospel is this — It is in Jesus that we receive everything we will ever need and much more.
The more we behold Jesus, the more we get transformed from the inside out by the Holy Spirit.
The more we fix our eyes upon Jesus, the more we are primed up to receive what only He can offer.

Whatta gospel we have in Jesus!

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Acts 5:42