Good News #83: As I Focus on Jesus and Place My Trust in Him, My Life is Transformed From Glory to Glory!

Morality is important.

In fact, society’s degree of peace and order is determined by its degree of adherence to the Judeo-Christian morality code found in the bible.

However, preaching and indoctrinating on morality does not produce morality…

If it does, the children of Israel would not have sinned against God over and over again. Given that the Ten Commandments and all its fine prints (613 laws, in total) were given to them first, they would have kept to the highest standards of morality…yet the very first commandment of not having any other gods they violated over and over.

And we see even the best of them violating one law after another…

David, whom God says is a man after His own heart, committed adultery with Bathsheba AND murdered her husband, Uriah.

Solomon, whom God gave wisdom and riches like no other king before or after, took seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines…and in old age, built several different pagan temples.

Even the priestly line saw levitical law violations…
Hophni and Phinehas, the sons of the high priest Eli, were so corrupt the bible calls them sons of Belial (a pagan god).

If indoctrination of morality produces morality, there would have been no need for Jesus to come.
Yet He did.

Old testament prophets always focused on the people, their immorality and the coming dark consequences.

Yet in the new testament, John the Baptist (whom Jesus referred to as Elijah) had a different tune focused on Jesus, The Lamb of God…the walking atonement for sins.

And as John pointed to Jesus, even his own disciples, followed Jesus.
John didn’t have to force them. They left the prophet and followed after The Son of God.

See, it is in focusing on Jesus that heart transformation happens then the actions align.

2 Corinthians 3:18 puts it this way…
But we all, with unveiled face, BEHOLDING as in a mirror THE GLORY OF THE LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The gospel is simple — focus on Jesus, behold Jesus, magnify what Jesus did and watch His gospel transform you from the inside out until your actions match His.

Jesus is the gospel. Behold Him!