Good News #81: Believe in Jesus and You Will Never Be Put to Shame; Victory Will Be Yours Now and Forevermore!

Many of us Christians live lives based on watered down truth because so often, whether we admit it or not, we interpret Bible truth in the lens of church traditions, religious teachings, the experiences of other Christians, societal circumstances, etc.

we read our bibles…
can quote chapter and verse…
can parrot bible truths taught for us to say like “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”…

…we live lives as if God is not good…
…our lives do not reflect that He is a good God who will never put us to shame…
…our lives do not reflect that He is an exceedingly abundantly more than we can think or imagine kind of Provider…
…our lives do not reflect that He is a God who heals…
…our lives do not reflect that He is a God who prospers…
…our lives do not reflect that He is a GOOD GOOD FATHER…

And non-believers look at us and look at our lives and don’t see anything good about the good news of a good God…
And because we are so caught up in our religiosity and the idea that our lives need to match the lives of other christians and their experiences, we all make a mockery of a TRULY WONDERFUL AMAZEBALLS GOD who have demonstrated to us in a million ways through His Son Jesus how incomprehensibly wonderful He is…

The gospel is this — Trust in the goodness of God and in His goodness towards you alone. Look to none of your goodness because all of our supposed “goodness” does not even come close to the holy standards of heaven’s goodness.

Trust Him that He is and will continue to be good and faithful to you, despite of you…and in doing so, He calls that humility…and watch Him exalt you by blessing you with exceedingly abundantly above all that you can think or imagine blessings that even non-believers is going to say that your life’s testimony can only come from ONE — THE TRUE GOD…our Lord Jesus who is One with the Father and The Holy Spirit.

Whatta God we have!
He is good even if we are not.
Look to Him alone and trust Him.
We can fully trust Him in everything.