Good News #79: Jesus Died For Us While We Were Still Sinners – Thank You God For Demonstrating Your Love Towards Us!

Jesus did not come when humanity had gotten their act together.
Jesus came in the midst of all the chaos and filth of humanity.

God did not wait for humanity to get our act together before He decided to work the work of redemption.
God immediately acted.

Did you know that God immediately commenced the work of redemption the moment Adam fell?
He did not wait for man to realize how utterly he needs to be saved.

In Genesis 3:15, when God pronounced the curse upon the serpent, notice God said…
“And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

Of whom was God referring to who would bruise the serpent’s head and of whom the serpent will bruise the heel?
No one else but our Lord Jesus, who had been right there from the beginning.

Jesus was not murdered by either Jews or Romans.
Jesus came to lay down His life for you and me. He came for the purpose of laying His life because only in doing so can us, humanity, be saved.

The gospel is this — Christ died for us while we were still sinners which means redemption through Jesus has nothing to do with how good we think we are or act to be. No one is good. Only God is good.

The love OF God FOR us has nothing to do with what we can offer Him.
We have nothing to offer Him.
Everything that we have came from Him.
God so loved us because that is who He is and His nature does not change based on us.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!
He came simply because God so loves us for reasons we will never fully comprehend.