Good News #68: God is My Healer – Sickness and Diseases are Never From Him – He Loves to Heal Me!

Christians would never dispute that God is love.
They will never dispute that God is good all the time and that all the time, God is good.
They will never dispute that He is a Good Good Father.

Yet, some Christians believe that God being a Good Father gives sickness to teach His children a lesson.
Some of them believe that God being Love Himself keeps His children sick to teach them humility.

Even decent atheists, pagans and non-believers would never want to hurt their own children.
Decent parents (who are not even believers) would rather they themselves get sick instead of their children.
Decent parents would rather suffer themselves than watch their children suffer a fever.

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 7:11…
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

Yet, religious Christians accuse God of being worse than average parents, atheists, pagans and non-believers by saying He gives sickness to teach His very own children a lesson and keep them humble.

Now, there are many cases of people turning to God when they get sick…but just because they ended up turning to God does not mean that God gave them that disease in the first place.

Diseases and sicknesses are stages of death…
and 1 Corinthians 15:26 tells us that God considers death an enemy…
And Praise God for Jesus who has conquered death.

Today, stop believing in the lie that God gives sicknesses, diseases or accidents to teach a lesson.
No decent earthly father would do such despicable thing…much more God who is far better than all wonderful earthly fathers combined.

This is the gospel — Jesus conquered death and by His stripes, everyone who believes in Him has been healed [Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24]. Today, He wants to heal you and heal you of all your diseases.

Whatta God we have!
He is truly Yahweh Rapha, The Lord who heals!