Good News #67: As I Have Believed in Jesus, His Word and Promises, So Will They Be Done in My Life!

Despite being under the new covenant, many Christians still live with an old covenant mentality, thinking God moves based on our doing.

Some think that if we act this way and that way, we can get God to move for us.

First off — God sent His Son Jesus for us because of His love for us, NOT BECAUSE OF MAN’S DOING…Jesus said so in John 3:16:

“For God SO LOVE the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in Him should NOT PERISH but have everlasting life.”

Second — Notice, the same verse says that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish…NOT whoever does this and that will not perish.

Third — Every born again in the Spirit became born again by believing in Jesus, NOT by doing spiritual calisthenics.

If the greatest gift (next to Jesus) that we receive from God is the gift of salvation through BELIEVING in Jesus and His sacrifice, then what makes us think the lesser are received by doing and trying to earn them?

Romans 8:32 says…
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also FREELY GIVE us all things?

In the natural, we can have someone put to jail for imposing their “acts of love” on us… we can have a restraining order for anyone who forces their attention on us… because our legal system respects free choice to love or not love in return…

…Much more does God respect the gift of free will that He Himself gave to humanity.
God will never force His grace and blessings on anyone and we find this clearly illustrated in Matthew 13:58, where it says…
Now He DID NOT DO many mighty works there BECAUSE of their UNBELIEF.

Our believing in Him to do for us what He said in His written word is our exercise of free will to allow Him to do so in our lives.

Faith is nothing more than believing that God is more than gracious, merciful and willing to do what He said in His written word…
And as we believe and how far we believe His word, so it will be done for us.

The gospel is that Jesus will meet us at our level of belief. His promises manifest to the level of our belief/faith in Him, not in our doing.

His yoke indeed is easy and His burden light!
Jesus is the gospel!