Good News #65: God’s Glory Has Been Given to His Children Through Jesus. Is His Glory Evident in Your Life Now?

These are the very words of Jesus in His personal prayer to His Father… not a prayer He taught others but His very own prayer.

On the way to the cross, Jesus said to the Father that He GAVE His glory to those who believe in Him.

Obviously, we are not after self-glorification.
We are never to point to ourselves…
Yet to us who believe He gives His glory.

Whether we receive it or not…is up to us…

Much like when He has already given us absolute forgiveness…it is up to us to receive it and stop acting as if we can earn our own forgiveness…

Much like when He has already given those who believe in Him authority to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out demons…it is up to us to receive and freely give…

In the same manner…
It is up to us to receive His glory, steward it and let it shine through to bless others and glorify Him.

Even before Jesus died and resurrected, He was already glorious.
He healed ALL who came to Him.
He lifted people up.
He liberated people from demonic possessions and oppressions.
He multiplied bread and fishes.
He had Peter draw coin from the mouth of a fish.
He made people whole and well.
He gave people life…at least the physical life then…because, it was only in His resurrection that the option of a born again life in the Spirit was possible.

Yet even then…even before Jesus gave His life for you and me, He was already glorious….

Where Jesus is, there is no sickness…
Where Jesus is, there is no lack… there is even overabundance (7 baskets leftover, 12 baskets leftover)
Where Jesus is, no demon can stand…it must flee…

This is the glory Jesus had given to those who believe in Him.

If only we learn to receive and let the Holy Spirit teach us how to steward it, we can enjoy the life Jesus died for us to have and be a blessing to others just as He was.

The gospel (good news) is this — Jesus gives His glory so that we can use it to glorify His name.

Sure, a child of God may misuse the glory of Jesus in them but NO CHILD OF GOD CAN ROB THE GLORY OF JESUS…
Because you cannot rob what He has freely given…

Whatta God we have!
Whatta wonderful Lord we have in Jesus!