Good News #62: God is Not Willing That Any Should Perish; He is Not the Source of Sickness and Death But of Health and Life!

Religion teaches that today, God inflicts sickness or disease or mishaps to teach a lesson on humility. This is an utterly disgusting lie. It’s rubbish… pure stinking garbage.

First of all — if the afflicted dies without repenting, what then?
It is counterproductive to what He wants which is “that all should come to repentance”.

Second — Religion parrots the line “God is good all the time and all the time, God is good”, then how can an all-the-time good God allow sickness or disease for whatever reason? Is God dumb to not know that sickness or disease is evil?

Third — If an earthly father deliberately inflicts pain on his child, earthly legal systems will put such a mad man in jail… then how could religion say God is a good Father and teaches the prayer Jesus taught that opens with “Our Father in heaven…” and accuse God of being worse than any earthly father and still call Him good?

Fourth — Religion teaches a Triune God where The Three are one and the same in character and teaches Jesus is The Loving Saviour who came to die for the forgiveness of our sins (because He is and He did)…but then teaches that God allows sickness or disease…how then are the Three one and the same in character, if this is so?

Look, this list can go on and on but the point is religion cannot make up its own mind on the very nature of God. It teaches things that contradict with one another.

The gospel is simple. God so LOVE the world that He GAVE His Only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should NOT PERISH but have everlasting life.

God does not want anyone to perish.
God does not inflict or allow or even think of allowing sickness or disease to make anyone suffer…especially not His children, those who have believed in Jesus.

This is the real God and not the god of religion.
And boy, whatta God we have!