Good News #60: For My Sake, Jesus Was Made Poor on the Cross So That By His Poverty I Might Become Rich!

The sad reality for most is they know Jesus came to die to atone for their sins and all humanity’s but that’s all they think Jesus did.

This is what religion does.
It limits the revelation of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For example, religion keeps the redemptive work of Christ either in the past or in the future…never in the present.

Religion would say Jesus redeemed us from past sins but we need to do something about our present and future sins…which is erroneous.
The bible is clear — the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross took care of all our sins.
The moment we think that we can do something about present and future sins, we have essentially made our selves our own saviour for the present and future. This is human religious arrogance.

Religion would also say that the good life will only happen in heaven…

Yet Jesus Himself said in Luke 18:29-30 (note the words emphasized in BOLD)…
“Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times more IN THIS PRESENT TIME, and in the age to come eternal life.”

Jesus made clear distinctions of the present life and that which is to come…

In the area of finances, religion fails yet again to reveal an aspect of the redemptive work of Jesus pointing to finances.

In 2 Corinthians 8:9, it says ”…you through His poverty might become rich”…

Religion will argue this to be spiritual riches…but reading this within its context, it clearly points to material riches…because at this point, Paul was exhorting the Corinthians to give to other churches.

Look. At the cross, Jesus was stripped of all His material belongings… He became utterly destitute…why? Because He died with and in our poverty so we can live with and in His riches.

Obviously, we don’t encourage materialism and avarice but Jesus wants us to receive His blessings so we can be a testimony of God’s goodness by being a blessing to others.

The gospel is this — Jesus died in your place (including the place of poverty) so that you can live in His place (where all of heaven is at your disposal).

Whatta Saviour we have in Jesus!