Good News #59: God is So Invested in Me That He Wants Me Blessed and Prosperous!

A number of Christians cannot reconcile the idea of God with the concept of creating profit.

Religion has successfully taught people to believe that God only wants people to break even in any venture or endeavor they pursue… or worse, suffer and endure loss.

Yet, God is a practical and abundantly generous God and we see this displayed through Jesus.

After a night where Peter and his fellow fishermen caught no fish, Jesus gave them a great number of fish that their net was breaking and they had to signal to their partners for help. [Luke 5:5-7]

It was fishes they need so a great number of fish Jesus gave them.

When a need to pay temple taxes came up, Jesus gave Peter money for both their taxes through the mouth of the first fish that Peter was instructed to catch. [Matthew 17:24-27]

It was money needed so money it was that Jesus provided.

In the feeding of both four thousand and five thousand, Jesus multiplied bread and fishes and gave them to the multitude instead of money for them to buy food themselves.

The urgent need was food because the multitude had been following Jesus for a time so food it was that Jesus practically gave.

In the same manner, if it is profit you need, profit it is that Jesus will give you by giving you divine favor, unexpected business deals, divine wisdom to know which investments to make and risks to take…

We have a wonderful God!

And the gospel is that He is also a practical God and not just that, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us… [Ephesians 3:20]… this power is the Holy Spirit who dwells in every child of God… The Spirit who gives wisdom.

Ask Him to lead you by the way you should go and enjoy abundant profit that you will have much to bless others as well.

Whatta God we have!!!