Good News #57: God Gives Me the Power to Create Wealth So I Can Be a Blessing to Others!

Religion gives God a bad name because religion glorifies suffering lack and poverty…
as if it earns merit for being dependent on God by being at the mercy of what others can spare…
as if it pleases God to see them suffering from lack, not knowing when provision comes along…
as if it glorifies God that His people…are recipients of blessings from other people INSTEAD of givers of blessings and help to others.

Religion makes a mockery of our wonderful God by making Him appear as if He withholds anything from those who belong to Him.

Romans 8:32 says…
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

The Christian faith is obviously not about materialism or avarice… but faith in a loving God opens one’s life to His power to create wealth through you…and consequently, be a blessing to others around.

Now, if wealth is evil…
and the word of God in Deuteronomy says that God is He who gives the power to create wealth…
then simple logic from these accuses God of giving people power to create evil…
This is absolute rubbish theology!

God is a perfectly holy God.

James 1:13 says…
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.

Let’s let scripture teach us the heart and character of our God, NOT religion.

The stewardship of what God gives us power to do is entirely our responsibility…
Christians who does not steward this well and indulge in materialism is a reflection of them, NOT on God.

The gospel remains that God is in the business of giving His children the power to create wealth so that they can be a blessing to others and glorify His name.

Whatta God we have!