Good News #56: God Remembers My Sins No More Because All My Sins Were Imputed on the Cross of Jesus!

Christians know Jesus died, was buried and was raised from the dead and that He is, in fact, ascended and glorified.

Yet, some Christians still live and act towards God AS IF what Jesus did never make a difference.

They still carry old testament mentality that God is imputing sins, believing God visits iniquities. In fact, they believe that God still visits iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation [Exodus 20:5].

This is indeed true in the old covenant BEFORE Jesus died to atone for all sins.

Yet, we all live in the new covenant…AFTER Jesus died.
His sacrifice changed everything.

And, take heed, even if we take Exodus 20:5 and use it today, we will see something crucial missed by some.

Let’s read Exodus 20:5 in its entirety…(with what needs to be noticed in BOLD)

“you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations OF THOSE WHO HATE ME,”


If you are truly born again, you love God. You love Jesus. You accepted and received Jesus which means you love God.

No one gets born again without first responding in love to God’s love by receiving Jesus into one’s life.

1 John 4:19 says…
We love BECAUSE He first loved us.

Given that even after being born again, we still stumble here and there. We lie, exaggerate, fear, doubt, etc… it does not mean we hate God. It simply means we are in a process of transformation.

So, even in Exodus 20:5, we see God making a distinction of new covenant people… people who, while imperfect in their ways, do love Jesus… do love God.

And to clear any confusion, the Holy Spirit made it a point to record in the new testament what God thinks of sins of those who believe in what Jesus did — God says “Their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

Listen, believers in Jesus, this is the gospel — God is not imputing sins to you because He punished all of it on the body of our Lord Jesus. Even more, He will not impute generationally.

God’s redemption plan in Jesus is watertight!
Whatta Redeemer Jesus is!