Good News #51: Jesus Has Already Defeated Death; It Should Never Be Feared!

The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.

1 Corinthians 15:26

One of the most appalling lies that the body of Christ itself has perpetuated is that God gives people sickness so that they will turn back to Him… so that they will see a need for Him.

This is preposterous!
It is an absolute assassination of the character of a loving God.

SICKNESS and DISEASE lead to death.
SICKNESS and DISEASE are symptoms of death.
SICKNESS and DISEASE are states of being prior to death.

The word of God in 1 Corinthians 15:26 is clear — it calls DEATH an ENEMY.

And if anything is to be learned from the gospels — it is that Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead.

More than half of His miracles are on healing the sick and He raised three from the dead (Jairus’ daughter, the son of the widow of Nain and Lazarus)…not counting the old testament saints who were raised from the dead when He yielded His Spirit on the cross.

Giving accidents, sicknesses, diseases…even poverty IS not God’s way to make people repent. How do we know this?

Romans 2:4 says…
…the goodness of God leads you to repentance…”

Jesus Himself fully demonstrated this and what God thinks of sickness.

Acts 10:38 says…
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about DOING GOOD and HEALING ALL who were oppressed by the devil, FOR God was with Him.

2 Corinthians 4:4 says…
…Christ…is the image of God…

Colossians 1:15 says…
He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God…

Hebrews 1:3 says…
…(Jesus)…the express image of His (God’s) Person…

and Jesus Himself said in John 10:30…
“I and My Father are one.”

If we want to know what God thinks of sickness, disease and death, we only need to look at Jesus and how He went about healing… and raising the dead.

The gospel is this — death (which is an enemy to mankind) is an enemy of God.

God is on our side against death.
God will never give anyone sickness, disease or anything that leads to death.

God is a God of life. He wants you to live.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta gospel we have in Jesus!