Good News #50: By Faith, I Release God’s Favor to Counter Against Any Storms of Life!

But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Matthew 8:26

God is sovereign.
Everyone who believes God exists agree on this.
Where christians differ is on how they see God exercising His sovereignty.

The book of Psalms talks about two types of people who believe in God.

In Psalm 103:7, it says…
He made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the children of Israel.

Those who only know Him by His acts see the world… the things happening around and they perceive that there is a God and they think everything happening is God’s doing…


those who know His ways see the world… the things happening around and they discern which ones are from God and which ones are not.

Unfortunately, religion had hindered people from truly knowing God’s ways by using His sovereignty as a reason He seemingly does anything on a whim… by using old covenant accounts and applying it as is in the new covenant period we are in.

But read attentively — THE CROSS and THE RESURRECTION of JESUS had already happened… making a whole universe of difference between old covenant times and the times we live in.

Even before Jesus died, He demonstrated what God thinks of natural disasters. Jesus rebuked the winds and the raging waters and there was a great calm.

God is not out on a witchhunt against humanity. God is out to save, to rescue, to deliver, to restore, to redeem, to do good and heal everyone oppressed of the devil [Acts 10:38] as Jesus has clearly demonstrated.

Natural disasters destroy and kill… and those are definitely not God’s ways.

The gospel is this — Today, God is ONLY out to deliver and save mankind because Jesus bore all the holy wrath of God against sins two thousand years ago.

Whatta God we have!
Whatta gospel we have in Jesus!