Good News #46: Knowing Jesus is Knowing the Truth That Shall Set Me Free!

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:31-32

2 Timothy 3:16 [NKJV] says…

All scripture is given by inspiration of God…

In other versions, All scripture is God-breathed…

This means every detail in the bible is significant.

Notice that John 8 specifically says JEWS who believed Him. It wasn’t just anyone but JEWS.

Jews… Jewish people… Hebrews… people through whom the law (the ten commandments) was first given to…

Jews… Jewish people… Hebrews… who, when Jesus physically walked the earth, already had an educational system where children as young as five years old learn to memorize the torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)…

Jews… Jewish people… Hebrews… who know the law (the ten commandments) and its fine prints more than anyone else…


And yet, to these Jews who believed Him, Jesus said, “…you shall KNOW the truth, and the TRUTH shall make you free.”

This means the LAW (while it is true) is not the truth that sets people free. It is not right doing or doing the right thing that frees people… (obviously, this is not saying we shouldn’t do right but that it isn’t the freeing truth)

The Jews had the law… they have had the ten commandments for over a thousand years before Jesus came… and yet Jesus said they will know the TRUTH…

John 1:17 says…

For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

The law is doing the right thing… it speaks of man’s obedience… man’s goodness…

yet truth is wrapped up in grace… it says grace AND truth… NOT grace OR truth…

Grace is God’s goodness… His extravagant love personified in Jesus, who is the TRUTH.

The truth that sets people free is that about God’s grace manifested in the obedience of His Son Jesus… His death, burial and resurrection… His resurrection – the declaration that all who believe in Him have been made righteous… [Romans 4:25, YLT]

The truth is that Jesus came to die for you to atone for all your sins, legally and righteously clearing you in the courts of heaven through His perfect sacrifice. If you can believe that, it will set you free.

The gospel is Jesus — the TRUTH who sets you free.
