Good News #42: God is Pleased for Me to Be Part of His Kingdom!

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

Luke 12:32

When Jesus physically walked the earth, one of His earliest words recorded in the gospels is the word “Repent”.

Down through the years, religion has complicated the word repent and repentance so let’s take a look at both in the original Greek (NOTE: the new testament was written in Greek).

The verb “repent” is metanoeō which means to change one’s mind, and the noun “repentance” is metanoia which means a change of mind.

Jesus literally came to tell people who were steeped in the covenant of the law for over a thousand years to change their mind over what they know about God.

Then Jesus began teaching and preaching the gospel which seems too contradictory for the religious leaders at that time because they think Jesus was trying to abolish the law but Jesus wasn’t doing so.

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus said…
“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.”

Jesus came to fulfill the law so that the relationship between God and man is no longer about man trying to please God to earn His favor… but God becoming Father and delighting in giving to humanity.

This change did not come without a price though — the price was Jesus dying on the cross for you and me.

Jesus says “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” because He came for the purpose of making us legally and righteously sons and daughters of the Most High through believing in Him.

And through Jesus, God is not just God to us but Father… The Father who takes pleasure in giving us the kingdom…everything He has.

Whatta God we have!