Good News #39: Nothing Can Add or Remove to the Completeness and Perfectness of Jesus’ Finished Work!

saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain – to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

Revelations 5:12

The core of the gospel is The Perfect Lamb of God who came to shed His blood and give up His life as the Ultimate Atoning Sacrifice for humanity.

The finished work of Jesus on the cross is complete. It needs nothing to be added to it. His obedience to the Father is perfect. Our obedience can NEVER add one iota of worth into what Jesus has done.

Don’t misunderstand. When the true gospel is taught well, preached well and received well, it produces wholehearted obedience but the obedience it produces in humanity does not add anything to what Jesus alone has accomplished on His own apart from our obedience.

Jesus alone is worthy.

Only His obedience is worthy to be taught, preached, shared, talked about lest any of us boast of our obedience, our good works…

Worthy is the Lamb and the Lamb alone!
That is the purest outcry that flows from the heart of the gospel.
And what a good news we have in the Lamb!